Enjoyable Features...
Our Quality Hosting is feature packed and extremely reliable!

Blazingfast Servers
Powering a range of server needs, Intel® Xeon® & Dual Xeon® Family processors offer the scalable performance and reliability for RapidLeech Hosting. Our servers are installed with Intel® Xeon® & Dual Xeon® processors, with minimum of 16GB RAM attached. Raring, unraring, splitting files, merging it together.
Automated System
We are using our own custom RapidLeech script & Fully Automated system, support 30+ download plugins and 80+ upload plugins. Your Rapidleech will be personal and all basic features are turned on, enhanced with our modifications.
Europe Datacenter
Our Servers are located in LeaseWeb & GlobalLayer DC in Europe. LeaseWeb & GlobalLayer both are global hosting provider based in Netherlands.
24/7 Support
Our doors never close! We can guarantee true 24/7 tech support, whether it be late night on Christmas Day, or even on Regional occasion.
99% Uptime Guaranteed
We guarantee that you'll experience 99% uptime during the course of any calendar month. Over the past years, we have achieved 99% uptime for our servers.